Lessons on Awakened Leadership

Lessons on Awakened Leadership

Lessons on Awakened Leadership 2560 1707 Catherine Bell

Many lessons on awakened leadership were discussed by the panel and audience at our BluEra book launch of The Awakened Company. Check out our short video that highlig20151027_CB_BellBreakfast_076hts some of this discussion and the event.

Fewer than 1 in 5 leaders in organizations are perceived as truthful. Yet organizations with high trust environments perform 300% better than those that do not. This is a call to action. We can and we must do better.

Awakening as a leader and as an organization is a recipe that creates the passion and energy people are craving at work and what we need to make the world a better place. A buy-product of awakened leadership and awakened organizations is better performance under any metric. Companies perform better not in spite of being awakened, but by the very fact they are awakened. And, I can tell you, they have a lot more fun along the way and create deep meaning in people’s lives.


The Awakened Company is a roadmap to better leaders, better companies, better communities and, ultimately, a better world. Isn’t that what we all want? We invite you to join us on this journey.

How are you going to do better? What lessons on awakening have you learned? Tell us by replying to this blog or posting a response on our social media. We would love to hear from you.

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