An Interview with Conscious Company Media’s Vanessa Childers

An Interview with Conscious Company Media’s Vanessa Childers

An Interview with Conscious Company Media’s Vanessa Childers 1000 267 Catherine Bell

Conscious CompanyConscious Company Magazine

An Interview with Conscious Company’s, Vanessa Childers

I recently had the opportunity to interview the Editorial Director of Conscious Company Media’s, Vanessa Childers. Here is what she had to say about what gets her up in the morning, on awakening leadership and why she joined Conscious Company.

What would cause you to rise at 3 am (other than a trip)?

The most likely cause would be my puppy Harper Lee—but I wouldn’t groan at the thought of a 3 am wakeup call if I’d gotten a good amount of sleep the night before and if I had a good book and a hot cup of coffee to enjoy for an hour or two before starting my day.

What 3 practical tips would you give to leaders on how to awaken?

  1. Do the things that scare you, like confronting your deep-seated issues with a therapist or learning that skill you know you’ll be terrible at initially. The more emotional discomfort you go through (ideally voluntarily!) the more quickly awakening will happen, if you let it.
  2. Talk with your staff (or anyone you have a relationship with). Get to know them and what matters to them. Put your ego aside and listen to what they need and how you can serve them.
  3. Practice being accountable. This combines tips 1 and 2. Being accountable is a scary thing; it involves facing some ugly truths (which typically come to the surface when you earn your employees’ trust and learn about their challenges) and then choosing not to be defensive when you realize you’re responsible for causing (and fixing) those challenges.

Why did you join Conscious Company Media?

I previously was the Digital Editor for two home design and architecture magazines, and I loved working with such beautiful and creative content. After almost four years, I realized I wanted to challenge myself in new ways and become a part of positive impact on a grander scale. I also wanted to be part of a company that was fully aligned with conscious-business values. Conscious Company’s mission—and its incredible team—made the decision a no-brainer.


Tell Us!

What would cause you to rise at 3 am? Leave us a reply below!

About Conscious Company Media

Conscious Company Media is a community dedicated to doing business better. They believe that companies and business leaders have a crucial role to play in creating an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and spiritually meaningful human presence on this planet. Through their print magazine, stories, education, events, and membership community, they inspire and enable you to redefine success in business and create a better life for yourself and future generations.

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